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Cambodia Trademark Registration

Cambodia trademark filing with local trademark agency in Phnom Penh.

Experts in all areas of Cambodian trademark law.

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Applying for a Trademark in Cambodia​


The application process begins with the submission of the application form to the Cambodian Department of Intellectual Property Rights, in person or through the eFiling system. The application requires the full name and address of the applicant, a specimen of the mark, the international classification and list of goods or services. In cases where an agent is filing the trademark application, a notarized power of attorney needs to be submitted.


Cambodian trademark applicants may claim a priority date under the Paris Convention; the Cambodian application must be filed within six months from the date of the earlier application and be submitted with a certified copy of the priority document.

An official fee of USD 40 is payable upon filing of the application.

Trademark Search in Cambodia

Before filing an application for trademark registration, it is recommended to request an official trademark availability search. This report, issued by the Department of Intellectual Property Rights, will indicate whether the desired trademark is available for registration with respect to the indicated goods or services.

Processing Time of Cambodian Trademark Applications

The processing time for Cambodian trademark registrations is approximately nine months to one year to obtain the registration certificate, if there are no any rejections/oppositions from the trademark office or third party. This estimate is based on past experience, it may take longer depending on the workload of the trademark office.

Provisional Refusal of Trademark Applications

The Cambodian Trademark Registrar will examine the application to ensure the mark complies with all provisions of the Trademark Law. Should any objections be raised by the examiner, a notification of provisional refusal will be issued to the applicant. The most common objections raised are that the proposed mark is descriptive or that it is confusingly similar to a prior registration. The applicant then has 60 days to respond to the provisional refusal in writing and submit any evidence to support their arguments. Assuming a response is filed, the Registrar will either issue a further refusal or notice of acceptance.

Registration and Publication of Trademarks in Cambodia

If a trademark application satisfies the legal provisions, the Cambodian Trademark Registrar will issue a notice of acceptance. The applicant then must pay the registration fee of USD 65 and will receive an official trademark registration certificate. The registration is then published in the Official Gazette, beginning the 90-day opposition period.

Trademark Duration in Cambodia


Trademark registrations in Cambodia expire and renew according to the following timeline:

  • Initial 10-year term from filing of application

  • Indefinite 10-year renewal terms

  • Affidavit of use or non-use must be submitted in fifth year of registration

Questions About Trademarks in Cambodia?

Email us at or call us at +855 (0)88 8005400 / 855 (0)12 215129.


We are happy to answer any questions regarding registering a trademark in Cambodia free of charge.

Request an all-inclusive Quote for Trademark Filing

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