Trademark Databases of Cambodia
The records of trademark applications and registrations in Cambodia are publicly available through three websites at no-cost. However, users should be aware that the complete and official database is held internally within the Department of Intellectual Property Rights. While that information is uploaded regularly to the public databases, there is a delay in updating. This delay means the latest trademark filings are not included in these databases, and can vary from a few days to several weeks. Further, in our experience there can be slight inconsistencies between the public and official information. The prime example of this is the status of a trademark application - which is not consistently updated in the public databases and thus inaccurate. Caution is warranted in relying on these sources.
Which of these databases to use is largely a matter of personal preference. Each allow users to search via a range of criteria, as well as to browse trademark applications and registrations more freely. Often times users will want to export the information, and the options to do so via an Excel, PDF and text file vary. The websites also provide differing tools for viewing summary statistics on trademarks in Cambodia, as well as making graphs of such data.
Recommendation: While the ASEAN IP Registry is based off the same data, given the lag in updating, we would recommend using the WIPO Global Brand Database or Cambodia Trademark Database (DIP). For international registrations designating Cambodia through the Madrid System, use the Madrid Monitor.
WIPO Global Brand Database
Number of Trademark Records: 134,562
First Record: January 9, 1991
Last Updated: May 7, 2024
Cambodia Trademark Database (DIP)
Number of Trademark Records: 134,488
First Record: January 9, 1991
Last Updated: May 5, 2024
Number of Trademark Records: 132,714
First Record: January 9, 1991
Last Updated: May 6, 2024
ASEAN IP Registry
Number of Trademark Records: 134,492
First Record: January 9, 1991
Last Updated: May 3, 2024
Madrid Monitor
Covers only international registrations filed through the Madrid System, and thus cannot be relied upon for complete coverage in Cambodia. However, it is extremely helpful in that any notification of office action issued by the Department of Intellectual Property Rights regarding an IR designating Cambodia will be uploaded here. This is the only public source for such information.
Number of Trademark Records: 21,686 (designating Cambodia)
First Record: N/A
Last Updated: September 29, 2023 (14 days ago)
Patent Database of Cambodia
In April 2024, the official and eventually complete patent database of Cambodia was launched by the Department of Industrial Property (DIPR). The database will contain all published applications and registrations.
Recommendation: Users should rely on the official database of the DIPR. This dataset is mirrored by the ASEAN IP Registry. It should be noted that at the time of launch, approximately 400 patents had yet to be uploaded to the system. This is expected to be remedied soon.
Cambodian Patent Database (DIPR)
Number of Patent Records: 1486 (approx. 400 missing, but should be updated soon)
First Record: August 30, 2006
Last Updated: November 20, 2023
ASEAN IP Registry
Number of Patent Records: 1486 (approx. 400 missing, but should be updated soon)
First Record: August 30, 2006
Last Updated: November 20, 2023
Number of Patent Records: 74
First Record: May 27, 2009
Last Updated: July 3, 2020
Industrial Design Database of Cambodia
In April 2024, the official industrial design database of Cambodia was launched by the Department of Industrial Property (DIPR). The dabase is mirrored through WIPO and ASEAN IP Registry. The ASEAN Designview is no longer updated.
Recommendation: Users should rely on the official database of the DIPR for official purposes. As WIPO and ASEAN IP Registry replicate the data, users can choose which interface suits their purposes best.
Cambodian Patent Database (DIPR)
Number of Industrial Design Records: 1205
First Record: November 29, 2006
Last Updated: February 26, 2024
WIPO Global Design Database
Number of Industrial Design Records: 1205
First Record: November 29, 2006
Last Updated: February 26, 2024
ASEAN IP Registry
Number of Industrial Design Records: 1205
First Record: November 29, 2006
Last Updated: February 26, 2024
ASEAN Designview
Number of Industrial Design Records: 762
First Record: November 29, 2006
Last Updated: February 18, 2022
Geographical Indication Database of Cambodia
While there is no specific databse for Geographical Indications in Cambodia, the list of GIs can be accessed through the same WIPO Global Brand Database and Cambodian Trademark Database as for trademarks. Users will need to use the search and filter functions to identify only GIs. The WIPO Global Brand Database contains only granted registrations, whereas the Cambodian Trademark Database also includes pending applications.
Recommendation: The Cambodian Trademark Database is more complete, as it contains applications as well as registrations. Because applications are so rare for GIs, it is unclear how often the databases are updated. Users needing a complete and up-to-date list should consult with the Department of Intellectual Property Rights directly.
WIPO Global Brand Database
Number of GI Records: 8
First Record: April 2, 2010
Last Updated: September 21, 2022
Cambodia Trademark Database (DIP)
Number of Trademark Records: 11
First Record: April 2, 2010
Last Updated: April 21, 2023
Copyright Database of Cambodia
The registry of copyright deposits is not publicly accessible, and only held internally within the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. In any case, such a database is not a complete record of copyrighted works - simply those that have been voluntarily deposited with the Copyright Office of Cambodia.